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Ducking and Weaving

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.  Galatians 5:22 NIV

ducking and weavingHad I left on time, none of what happened next would have mattered.

I backed out of our driveway two minutes later than I had intended and headed to meet my husband for lunch. The main road to his place of employment is four-lane, so I figured I could “duck and weave” my way along and make up the time I’d missed. Imagine my upset when I got behind a slow-driving truck in the left (fast) lane. As soon as it was safe, I slipped into the right lane, determined to pass, but just as I gained distance between myself and the truck, it turned. The car that had been behind me drove up and moved forward.

Had I simply been patient, I would have been exactly where I wanted to be. Instead, I was farther behind.

God’s Word is clear on the virtue of patience, that longsuffering ability to tolerate things that often aggravate and frustrate us. In the end, I had to laugh at myself. Despite my best efforts to beat the clock, I’d only made myself later still. Sometimes, we must go with the flow and accept things as they are. Those two minutes were not a crisis, but my impatience made me later and could have caused an accident.

I eased into the left lane behind the car that had been behind me, then took a breath and thanked God for His unique way of teaching—and His patience with this child.

How has God recently taught you the virtue of patience?

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and Pexels.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Eva Marie Everson

Eva Marie Everson is a best-selling, award-winning author and speaker. She is the director of Florida Christian Writers Conference, the president of Word Weavers International, a student of Old Testament theology, and (in her spare time) a wife, mother, and grandmother. Find out more: wwwEvaMarieEversonAuthor.com