A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

Spirit & Soul

Spirit and Soul is all about eternity. Life ever after with a God who has prepared a place in advance for us. Dig into the Word. Search out your heart. Contemplate where you will spend eternity. . .then choose to offer your life to God.

A New Beginning

Before the beginning, darkness filled the silent, lonely space. Looking out into the vast chasm of nothingness, void of purpose and companionship, God the Creator imagined, considered, and dreamed of all the possibilities of what He could make.

Then He chose, plotted, and planned. He made something out of nothing, creating the universe with His words. He said, “Let there be,” and it was. Light burst forth. Stars hung in the sky. Planets circled the earth. Land formed into mountains, hills, and plains. Water poured into seas, rivers, and lakes. Plants grew. Clouds made shapes, snow, and rain. The wind whispered and wailed. The sun shone brightly during the day, and the moon at night.

Animals came alive. Humans too. Nature stood marked with the Maker’s fingerprints of purpose on every square inch of the world. Then the Creator gazed at what He had made and loved what He saw. It was beautiful.

All of creation is a product of God’s powerful words. He created all things according to His greatness, goodness, and wisdom to display His awesome wonder perfectly. Each time He speaks, what He commands is manifested.

Not only did God’s words have the power to create the universe at the beginning of time, they also have the power to transform and redirect our lives when we need a new beginning. Amid our darkness, emptiness, and isolation, He can revive, encourage, and direct us onto a path that breathes new life and purpose into our weary souls. 

Do you need a new beginning of God’s grace, love, and empowerment? The same God who made you and everything in the universe is looking down from heaven today and observing your life. Ask Him to speak something new into you, then partner with Him and watch His powerful words manifest the goodness and beauty He desires for your fresh start.  

Snow White—No, Not That One

Snow White. A gruesome story. A wicked queen and a pure, innocent girl who wins out in the end. All the in-between stuff is Snow White’s story of the queen trying to kill herself, her trials with others, and overcoming evil. In fact, the whole story is about how good triumphs over evil.

I wonder why it’s called Snow White and not something like Baby Blue or Peach Purple? White represents righteousness and symbolizes purity. Snow, on the other hand, depicts the color white. Snow is also used several times in the Bible as a metaphor or simile.

Good and evil are present in our world. Reading Genesis tells us how evil arrived in this world, and reading Revelation tells us how good will triumph over evil. But there’s a whole lot in between that refers to us.

The next time fluffy white snow is softly falling and you’re watching it cover our world, making it look like a clean new place, take time to read God’s story. Be amazed at God’s love for you. Ask Him to remind you that He has made your sins as white as snow. And remember to thank Him for how it will all turn out.

A Friend Closer Than a Brother

People tell me their life stories in line at the supermarket. Maybe I have that familiar face or remind them of their mom.

So, it was no surprise when an acquaintance mentioned regretfully that they had not been in touch with many friends for twenty years since they had just moved from another state. I nodded. That made sense to me. Lack of proximity dampens friendships or ends ones that never entirely took root.

Social media makes it easier to remain in contact without much effort. It’s not like we need to write letters, buy stamps, and stomp off to the post office to snail mail someone who has moved. Social media and unlimited phone plans cut the cost of sustaining long-distance friendships. But even with all our always-on technology, not having regular interaction tends to cool relationships. 

I am fortunate to have good friends—some of whom I have known for forty-plus years. A few friendships go back as far as grade school. For their sake and mine, I won’t say how long ago that might have been. Some of these gracious friends have chosen to pick up where we left off, reconnecting after prolonged absences brought on by changes in our respective lives.

It struck me that my longest friendship is my relationship with Jesus—the Friend who sticks closer than a brother. Like my kind earthly friends, He is always there, ready to pick up where we left off. But I know that I do better when my connection with Him is regular, deep, and more than a text conversation. I have the ultimate Friend no matter where I live, what circumstances may change, or how many times I move.

A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. This verse reminded me how much I need to cultivate my friendship with Christ by spending more time in His Word and praying daily. I should also share my forever Friend with my new acquaintances as the Lord allows.

God will amaze us with how simple interactions can lead to deeper reflection and greater revelation. Keep listening while you stand in line.

Satisfy Your Heart

I am one of those people who is generally happy but who can also quickly lose that happiness when faced with something. Scripture showed me that I experienced the ups and downs because I kept focusing on the wrong things.

Basing our happiness on surface-level stuff is easy. We build happiness around people, plans, possessions, titles, and achievements. Satan fools us into believing that we can achieve happiness if we become whoever or have whatever. This is a problem. Satan doesn't remind us our world is sinful or that many details are outside of our control. Instead, he works to keep us on this path of desire.

Framing happiness around things that can break, people who may disappoint, and titles and classes that can change is dangerous. With all the noise around us, it's hard to remember that contentment is a matter of the heart. The shift back starts by widening our perspective and recognizing the need to depend on something greater.

We must center our hearts around something that can weather the storms. God's love can do that, and it is enough. God's love is unlike any love felt here. His love is too great to understand fully. His love is steadfast and eternal and will never let us down. It can protect, isn't earned, and is freely given. God's love is something we should and can depend on above anything else.

If we place God's love at our core, we won't experience life's ups and downs as earth-shaking. Accepting it as enough permits us to let life's disappointments pass us by without rocking our foundation. Putting God and His love for us as the thing that matters most is the secret sauce to keeping a joyful heart.

Let Jesus show you the path to joy because God knows you personally by name. Let God's love fill your shortcomings and shine brightness into the dreary days. Call on God's love to satisfy your heart so you can rejoice and be glad daily. 

What Can I Do?

While waking up, I contemplated, “How can I show my faith today?” Personally, I can meditate in prayers while I listen to hymns. My favorite hymns are “Prepare Me to Be a Sanctuary” and “The Spirit Is a Movin’.” I still wake up for my new seated hobby: being a senior.

I printed off some religious coloring pages with Bible messages for adults. One was about the Good Samaritan, and the next one was “The Lord Is My Shepherd.” Reading this psalm in the Bible, I realized this message is evergreen and timeless. I acknowledge I have met some Good Samaritans along my life’s long track.

Many years ago, I was in a refuge for female victims of domestic violence. There, the ladies were positive and supportive in many practical ways. The Lord was indeed my shepherd, leading me to worship. Eventually, I moved to my current sanctuary of affordable, safe housing with no more abusive male co-residents.

Today, I am still crafting beanies and scarves for people experiencing homelessness and women who are refugees, especially since here they can anticipate a bleak winter ahead. That is my contribution to their marginalization. I can also pray that all of us spread the Good News somehow. We can all keep praying and being practical as we share with others that Jesus is the shepherd for all of us.

I may be old now, but no one is ever too old to pray. I will keep on praying. So can you. 

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