A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

Spirit & Trust

Trust is hard. It’s easy to say there is trust but actually taking the step – making the leap into mid-air without a visible net is the most difficult thing man can do. But with the Spirit of God our leap lands us safe in His palm.

Crossing the Finish Line

As Ashley neared the finish line, after running three miles, she stumbled and fell.

A man, possibly her father or coach, ran to her and gently encouraged her to finish the race. Although she was behind, she struggled to her feet. As the spectators cheered, Ashley crossed the finish line. She didn’t win the race, but Ashley was still a winner. She persevered and met her goal.

Robert met his goal in another way. As a drug addict, he often struggled to overcome his addiction, but each time failed. Then Robert became a Christian. When he was tempted to return to drugs, he imagined Jesus reaching to him and lovingly pulling him into His arms and saying, “Come on, son, let’s try this again.” Eventually, because he knew his Savior loved him and wanted him to be free of his addiction, Robert reached his goal.

Paul also had many obstacles as he ran his race. As a young man, he persecuted Christians because he thought he was doing God’s will. Then he met Jesus Christ, and his life turned around. His goal became sharing the good news of salvation and eternal life through Jesus Christ. Despite beatings, imprisonment, and shipwreck, Paul persevered.

Ashley, Robert, and Paul had goals. Each stumbled and fell, but through the encouragement of their heavenly Father, they successfully crossed the finish line.

If you are struggling to run your life’s race, remember that with the Lord’s help, you can overcome any obstacle that threatens to cause you to stumble. Let God help you cross the finish line. 

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

Don’t Fear

Writing has always been my dream. I love to read and can dream up many storylines. But then fear sets in. Sweaty palms, heart palpitations, and the desire to run, avoid, or do something else. It's like standing at the end of the highest diving platform, looking down at the cold blue water, and not knowing if I will sink or swim.

Fear of failure is something many people struggle with—whether childhood trauma or just the different way our brain is wired. We become overachievers and fear letting anybody down or stepping out of our comfort zone.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all ways submit to Him, and he will make your paths straight. For the overachiever control freak, this verse can be terrifying. Trust God? Don’t rely on our understanding? Submit? Let God control everything? Those feelings of fear begin to creep back in. But God.

In many places in the Bible, God promises to bless and take us further than we could ever imagine when we let Him control the wheel. He promises our path will be straight but doesn’t tell us about the kind of terrain—only that He will light our steps.

So, trust Him and know that the next step, no matter how terrifying, is precisely what God asks. Jump into God’s plan because He has you and He doesn’t let His children drown. 

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and phmaxiestevez.)

Kingdom Perspective

A kaleidoscope is a popular childhood toy invented in 1816 by Scottish physicist Sir David Brewster. It is an optical viewer that reflects endless images from colored glass and mirrors when turned. The name is derived from the Greek meaning “beautiful form to view.”

A kaleidoscope is an optical device of light, color, and mirrors. Today, it’s used for STEM learning, toy entertainment, and fashion design. I didn’t know this as a child. I just thought seeing the multitude of bright colors and patterns was fascinating.

Jesus mimics a kaleidoscope by reflecting God’s image, character, and nature. The kaleidoscope comparison helps us form a kingdom perspective. We are the light of the world. We also color the world with the love of Jesus and mirror the image of God as we trust and obey His word.

In 1 Corinthians 13, Paul says we see the love of God as a dim reflection in a mirror. As we learn to trust God, our love grows. God created us in His image to be loved and to love. Our spiritual DNA is love.

Jesus wants us to love, seek His kingdom and righteousness first, keep His commandments, and set our minds on His plan for our lives. God wants to use us to change the world using His kingdom’s perspective.   

Ask for God’s wisdom. Pray for His will.  Believe in His way. Receive it as yours. 

You have already received God’s kingdom perspective. Trust in Jesus. Believe in God. Pray in the Spirit. Seek to glorify God.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and RyanMcQuire.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

A Case of Hardened Hearts

I wouldn’t want to show you my whole list of what angers me; it’s too long. But I’ll confess a few: drivers that ride my bumper when it’s raining and I’m already going five miles over the speed limit, people who mispronounce my name repeatedly, someone misperceiving something I’ve said or done, or discussions where I get told I’m wrong when I know good and well I’m right. Hmm, I’m detecting a theme. It’s all about me being insulted and misunderstood.

In the synagogue one day, Jesus felt and showed emotions of anger and sadness. It wasn’t because He felt disrespected or misunderstood. Instead, He sought to end a man’s suffering by restoring the man’s hand. And what kind of reaction did that raise in the observing, trying-to-catch-Jesus-in-wrong-doing religious leaders? They lacked compassion, and their focus was self-centered. Jesus saw the cause underneath their attitudes—a case of hardened hearts. Jesus was angry and sad. How different their lives could be if they opened their hearts to Him.

The good deed Jesus intended, He did, despite the critics. He didn’t retaliate, and He didn’t take responsibility for their disfavor.

The next time anger wells up in me, I am asking Jesus to help me look at whether it’s about being insulted or if it is about sadness at the hard hearts that need Him to change them.  

When you see actions stemming from hardened hearts, don’t retaliate against the critics. Continue in good deeds.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and LubosHouska.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

The Doorkeeper

Once while on a ministry trip, I visited a large cathedral in Montreal, Canada.

As I entered this huge building, I saw crutches tacked on the walls—hundreds or maybe thousands of them. They ranged from very large ones to small ones used by children. They were left there because those using them had been healed and did not need them anymore. It was an awesome sight.

This had been orchestrated over decades by a little man called Brother Andre. He was about five feet tall and could barely read or write. But what he lacked in physical stature and mental capabilities, he made up for by his love, compassion, and hospitality. His title was Doorkeeper of the Church of Notre Dame.

In the kingdom of God, it is possible to be very small but accomplish big things. God often calls the little or the ordinary to extraordinary tasks. God does this at times by helping people to do ordinary tasks in an extraordinary manner.

Brother Andre was a doorman, but he did his mundane task with unusual love and compassion, and we now see the results. It is not so important what we do for God as much as why and how we do it. Is it because we love God and want to express that in compassion for the people He has created?

The greatest person in the kingdom of God is always determined by his servant's heart.

If you consider yourself small or ordinary in your church, you may be just the kind of person for whom God is looking. He doesn’t always call the qualified, but He always qualifies the called. If you are a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord, do it for God and His glory, and you will be the greatest in the kingdom.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay and cripi.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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