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Under the Oceans with the Storms of Life

Teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.  Psalm 90:12 KJV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.“The pains of life are inescapable, but the virtues of love are more powerful.” The emotional, tear-jerking film, The Pursuit of Happyness, starring Will Smith, portrays a character who had to go through many hardships before reaching happiness and is a familiar portrait of what this life paints.

Given time to recollect our memories through our past pain, we would notice the details of worry the conscious mind delivers. Most people have heard, “the pursuit of happiness,” but who wants to hear, “the pursuit of pain.” 

The psalmist expresses clearly that our days should be preserved by taking each one into consideration. In so doing, we gain wisdom to apply all we learn. Our days are preserved by the memories we obtain through the passing of time. It is not only the best seasons of life that we should hold dear but also the painful moments. No one enjoys recalling painful experiences, but through them we learn from our mistakes so that the next day we live can be numbered with more purposeful intention than the day before.

Human pain can be emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual. The moments of our pain can seem like an eternity. What God sees as short-lived, the human mind sees as long-term. But those who are bought by the precious blood of the Lamb have no reason to fret. We have the greatest artist who will project the virtues of His love in these painful moments. 

God’s indescribable glory is often hidden in the storms of life which seem to drown us beneath the waters of no escape. His glory may seem like an enigma at times, but pain sheds light on it. Through pain, we understand that we seldom have control over circumstances. There is more intimacy involved in holding God’s hand during those moments. 

If God intervened miraculously every time we had pain, we wouldn’t benefit from His love. We would also miss the enlightenment of His proverbial wisdom.

Let God teach you to commune deeply with Him, even if takes pain to take you to another level of intimacy.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.) 

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Reynaldo Ochoa

Reynaldo Ochoa is a thirty-three-year-old aspiring writer who has been blessed by God. He hopes his writings will touch the hearts and lives of others.