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Everything You Need

Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you.  1 Corinthians 3:16 KJV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.She was so alone.

Looking out the window, watching my only surviving goat wander around the yard, I pitied her. Goats, being herd animals, don’t do well on their own. But after an unexpected illness swept through the farm, killing off the rest of the herd, that’s exactly what my last doe was left with—loneliness. I watched as she trailed the dogs around, cried and chased us down the road when we drove away, and allowed the chickens to roost on her back—anything to keep from being alone.

So much like us. So much like me. God designed us to desire companionship and even stated it wasn’t good for people to be alone.

Continuing my perusal from the window, I calculated how long before my lonely goat would give birth. Judging by the size of her rounded belly, it wouldn’t be long. Then she wouldn’t be alone anymore.

In that moment, I wondered if she knew everything she needed to end her loneliness was inside her. Just like us. Just like me. I try to stave off the feeling of loneliness by fitting in with crowds and people I don’t belong with when all I need is inside me: God’s Spirit.

We often look to other people or things for fulfillment. Perhaps we reach for material things to quiet our lonely hearts. We may even allow others to roost on our back with their opinions of us. But the Creator of the universe dwells in our heart and provides all we need.

Everything you need is already inside of you.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Jamin Baldwin

Jamin Christian Baldwin is from Ohio and is a wife and mother of three. Her love of nature and God is combined in her devotions in a parable about life. She was the third place winner of the 2019 BRMCWC foundation award. She does her best to share the love of God and the lessons she has learned with others. A VBS designer and curriculum writer, Sunday School teacher, and active member of ACFW-Ohio chapter, you can find her stories and devotions on her Author Page at www.facebook.com/jaminchristianbaldwin.


  1. Love this post and so true.