“Rhetoric! That’s all I hear. It’s like a constant bashing inside my head. Over and over. There’s no escaping it. I just want the noise to cease.”
A young girl sat outside the grocery store pressing her hands over her ears. I can remember when I was a child, my grandmother’s favorite phrase was, “These is troubled times, and troubles never cease.”
I could relate to the young girl. She swiped tears. “Honey, are you all right?” I asked.
“All I hear in my head is the news about this stupid virus. It’s relentless. Everywhere I turn. I’m scared to death.”
Easing next to her on the bench, I patted her knee. “The world is never quiet. Today it’s a virus. Yesterday it was how terrible our president is. There is always something. That’s the way the world likes it.”
“I just want quiet.”
“Me too, sweetie. The only place I find that quiet is when I pray.”
It must have been frightening for the disciples, being on a boat in the middle of a horrendous storm. And to think, Jesus slept through it. In fact, He seemed a bit annoyed when the disciples woke Him. Whether it was because they accused Him of not caring or if it was the fear that didn’t seem to matter, Jesus’ question stumped them: “Don’t you have faith?” With that, He calmed the storm.
We live in chaotic times. An uneasiness settles over the world, and the virus isn’t the cause. Faith wanes, and when that happens, the voices of rhetoric grow louder. Fear seeps in, and people grow weak under the pressure. This is what Satan wants—for us to be enthralled in chaos.
With three simple words, Christ calmed a storm. An easy task for Him. What makes us think those same three words can’t still calm? When we trust that God is on the throne and that nothing gets past Him, we really have little to fear. Yet we do.
Close your mind to rhetoric. Take hold of the promise of Jesus and listen to His words. “Quiet. Be still.” Allow Him to fill your heart and mind, and then quiet will set in.
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
What a valuable word for believers to embrace! May we, like you, pass it on to those so desperate for "good news."
This is so needed in our world. I have to remind myself that God is still on the throne and in charge. Thanks for the reminder, Cindy.