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Praise Through the Pain

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.  2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.With the Coronavirus spreading like an uncontrolled wildfire, I determined not to let fear grip me.

I tried to remember and repeat the Lord’s promises. It worked for a little while, but then I heard something that reminded me of how dire the circumstances were. I felt anxious and sunk into a deep pit of despair. God prompted me to listen to Him—not to fear, but to trust. I tried to fix my circumstances. I had to do something. 

Finally, in obedience, I sat with God’s Word and prayed. He reminded me of Psalm 23, one I had written about and quoted many times. I didn’t have any enemies I could think of, but God showed me my biggest enemy was the spirit of fear. That’s when He led me to 2 Timothy. If I had a sound mind, I wouldn’t have a mind filled with fear.

When I thought about the constant talk of the Coronavirus and the pain and death it was causing, I took fear into my spirit. Fear—my enemy—was stealing my joy and my hope. Once again, I determined to stand strong in God’s strength and to resist this evil spirit.

Our enemy might be fear, sadness, or a virus, but Jesus defeated all of them. They are under His feet. We can praise and trust God through the pain. We don’t have to be hard on ourselves when we slip back into worry mode. When we feel uneasy and begin to fear, we can stop and refocus on our great God who said He would never leave or forsake us.

Remember, you are not alone.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Judy Linck

Judy Linck is a registered nurse who has fifteen years in the psychiatric field. For many years, she has volunteered in her church’s counseling ministry, offering hope to those who struggled with depression, anger, grief, and other personal struggles. She writes what she hears the Lord speak to her heart. At the present time, she is writing a book filled with other words the Lord has spoken to her. Her book will be titled, My Jesus, My Child. She can be emailed at myjesusmychild@gmail.com.