My grandson bounded through the door and into his pre-school classroom.
His classmates—who busily colored, played with blocks, or put puzzles together—didn’t even look up. Liam jolted them from focusing on their early morning activities with a loud announcement: “You need to thank my daddy. He’s out fighting monsters.”
Liam’s father, a military officer, was often gone from home. His job was to protect his family and his country from the bad guys, the monsters of our world. Liam enthusiastically informed anyone he encountered about how his dad was a hero—and he didn’t wait for them to ask. Liam’s love, pride, and thankfulness for what his dad did naturally prompted him to share about his dad’s work.
Liam’s dad isn’t the only father who fights monsters though. Father God took on the ultimate monster: sin. He did so out of love for His children—you and me. His love was so great that He sacrificed His own Son, Jesus, to offer each of us a release from the monster’s clutches.
My grandson’s exuberant words made me pause and consider what I tell others about my heavenly Father. When have I bounded into my daily encounters with words of praise and love for Him spilling from my lips? Shouldn’t all who have been saved from sin and given eternal life be praising the One who rescued them?
Let’s tell everyone about our monster-fighting Daddy.
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Great devo Alice