I didn’t expect problems, but suddenly I was under attack.
As I pulled weeds around my tree, angry yellow jackets surrounded me and stung me eight times. I had entered their territory, and they didn’t like the invasion. I determined the weeds would have to stay. I didn’t care to face that enemy again.
Christians face another kind of enemy: Satan. At times, he acts as yellow jackets do. We are not aware of his presence until he springs on us. That’s why Peter warns us to be alert for his prowling. He compares Satan to a lion who stalks its prey quietly because it wants to catch the victim unaware. Not until the beast is ready to pounce does it roar. Then, it is too late for the prey. They have no escape from the power of the destroyer.
We are offered effective ways to prevent Satan’s attack. We can read the Bible and attain the knowledge we need. When temptation comes, we can do as Jesus Christ did during His forty days and nights of temptation by Satan in the wilderness: quote Scripture.
Just as I plan to avoid the tree until the yellow jackets are gone, so we can take a giant step in resisting Satan’s attacks by avoiding places and things we know are contrary to God’s plans for our lives. We can also ask for help in resisting temptations and for the strength to stand firm in Jesus Christ.
Get prepared to fight the sudden attacks of Satan.
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
What a powerful word picture of our enemy! I'll remember the evil intent of Satan the next time I spot a yellow jacket.