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Frayed Jeans

Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.  John 14:12 NKJV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.I folded my husband’s jeans, checking the hems for frays.

Checking for frays is how I determine at a glance which are his work jeans and which are his dress jeans. As I checked, I thought how like a pair of jeans I am—frayed on the ends and less than perfect, yet usable to the great God I serve.

God is majestic in every way—perfect and glorious. In contrast, I am imperfect. But rather than feeling small, I know how usable I am because it is God’s power that enables me to do mighty works.

Jesus said those who believe in Him would do even greater works than He did because He was going to the Father. By partnering with Jesus, we tap into God’s power. God not only partners with us, He also ordains works for us to accomplish. We are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works.

Just think of the significance. Although we are like frayed jeans, Jesus lives inside of us—the express image of the glory of God the Father—and creates us with a divine purpose.

Frays may come, as on the hems of our jeans, but we are more useful to God because we recognize our need for His indwelling power to live productive lives. We can take the limits off what we can imagine accomplishing as we work to advance His kingdom.

Think of one thing you want to accomplish with God's empowerment.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Diane Virginia

Diane Virginia is the author of The Kiss of Peace: An Intimate Exploration into Song of Solomon (awaiting publication). She is a regular contributor for Christian Broadcasting Network and has written for Christian Devotions Ministries, Faith Beyond Fear, Pentecostal Publishing House, The Secret Place, and other ministries. She can be contacted at www.vinewords.net.
