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Sweeter Than Peppermint-Marshmallow Ice Cream

Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me by Your generous Spirit.  Psalm 51:13 NKJV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.I remember vividly the day I tasted it.

Heaven must taste like homemade, peppermint-marshmallow ice cream. When I first tasted it, my childhood mind was lost in ecstasy. It was a life-changing experience for a ten-year-old. The peppermint crunched and the marshmallows melted in my mouth. Forever after, it has been my all-time favorite. Although I have made this ice cream multiple times, I have only had that first-taste experience once. My memory of that first moment is warm, wonderful, and often revisited.

But I have a sweeter memory: the moment I made Jesus my Savior and Lord. That moment didn’t happen at an altar, but in the pew. Walking forward only let everyone else know Jesus had won the battle for my heart. I committed to follow Him wherever He led. My decision wasn’t just life-changing; it was life-giving and eternity-changing.

Our first moment with Jesus is worth remembering, savoring, and marveling over. Knowing and following Jesus changes everything.

Why not dedicate a moment to making a new memory? Assemble a list of things Jesus changes in your life. Then pray over that list as you glorify and praise God for the joy of your salvation.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Alisha Plummer

Alisha is a physician assistant in the emergency department by day and an author by night. On her devotional blog, pandorasporch.com, she enjoys exploring the wonders of God and knowing Him personally. Her first book, Confession of a Christian Spinster, comes out in spring 2023.