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Unangelic Angel

Those who humble themselves like this little child will be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.  Matthew 18:4-5 CEB

Photo courtesy of author.His little halo tilted on his head—and he scowled.

I looked up at my three-year-old son, who was supposed to be an angel in our church’s Christmas presentation. He folded his arms tightly. All the other angels acted angelically and sang sweetly. He had told me earlier he didn’t want to wear the angel wings, but I strongly insisted. I wanted to frame a picture of him in a precious angel costume.

My stomach dropped as something caught his interest. He left his place to explore the baptismal font, then lifted the top and plunged his hand in. I wanted to die of mortification. I was the parent of that child—for all the world to see.

This moment reminded me of why parents should humble themselves as children. A child shouldn’t always do what he wants. He needs help and guidance from a parent, but sometimes he strays. Following directions is difficult when you don’t want to do what a parent asks.

Parents usually know what is best for their child, but we need humility and should play the game “Follow the Leader” instead of doing what we want. A little childlike trust in our heavenly Father might be a better direction than the path we have chosen—which may not be suitable for us in the long run.

I wonder if God sometimes looks at me and says, “I am the parent of that child.” Thank goodness, we have a Father who gives us every resource we need to follow Him. And we can be confident He welcomes us when we do.

What can you do to better follow your heavenly Father’s direction?

(Photo courtesy of author.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Carol McCracken

Carol Ogle McCracken has been a Bible teacher for twenty years. She has served on church staff in leadership development roles and in women’s ministry for thirty years. She presently owns a wedding planning company on the Gulf Coast. Her passion is to make the Bible come alive for women and to connect it to a real relationship with Jesus Christ in today’s busy and demanding world.


  1. I love your writings....and your mission in bio! what a blessing.... I Will look for more from you and thank you Christian Devotions!