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A Man Named Nimrod

Cush was the father of Nimrod, who became a mighty warrior on the earth. He was a mighty hunter before the Lord.  Genesis 10:8-9a NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.I can see him, tall and strong with long hair sailing in the wind. He draws his bow and releases, and a large bear falls swiftly to the ground. 

At first glance, it seems Nimrod was a hunter with a heart for God. But scholars believe Nimrod was a bold man who used his skills to defy God. His name means rebel or tyrant. He used his might to build cities and kingdoms. He probably also used his prowess to hunt and kill men. But he could have used his abilities to protect and help others.

Like Nimrod, we all have God-given abilities and talents. We can choose to use what God has given us to build up His kingdom or to build up our own. Let's serve the Lord with our talents instead of rebelling against the one who loves us. If we determine to use our talents and skills to please the Lord and serve people, we will reap great rewards and please God our Father. We will also experience the joy of the Lord.

I can see it now, the arrows of our lives hitting the mark—the bullseye of God’s best. When we reach the heavenly shores, let it be said that our life was well-lived for God’s honor and glory.

Use your gifts and talents so God’s purposes will prevail on earth.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Tom Toya

Tom Toya is a graduate of Jerry Jenkin’s Christian Writers Guild and has a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from Benedictine University. He lives with his beautiful wife and his handsome Maltese in the Chicagoland area. He has had articles published by Christian Devotions, Inspire a Fire, Alive Magazine, The Upper Room, CBN, Live Magazine, God’s Word for Today, Gospel Today Magazine, and the Morris Daily Herald. He is a marketing director for a caregiving agency and loves to play the guitar and sing. You can read more of his writing by visiting his blog at sendme-tomandlou.blogspot.com.
