A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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Who Sings Your Praise?

How can you believe Me if you accept praise from one another, yet make no effort to obtain the praise that comes from the only God?  John 5 :44 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.In Africa, I take my adopted daughter to school in a bjaji (a three wheeled tut-tut taxi).

Most days, the drivers are either quiet or make small talk. One day, though, the driver berated Olivia for substandard Swahili. He barked at me for not teaching her the native language.

After school, I said to Olivia, “I’m sorry the driver was so mean to you.”

She looked at me as if I had two heads. Mean to her? Criticism? Accusations? She hadn’t noticed. Her mom fights her battles.

I want that assurance. To be so confident my Dad has this that criticism doesn’t stick. So confident I can drop my silly fear of man tendencies and rest in God’s truths.   

Critics don’t determine our identity. Rather, our Creator, our heavenly Father does. We must choose to allow God’s words to matter more than accusations. We should also obtain our praise from our heavenly Father rather than the hecklers around us.

In Christ, we are complete. Our identity as His child is stronger than the assumptions we often place on ourselves. Criticism loses its power when our worth comes from our Maker. We can be at peace regardless of critical remarks when we remember our heavenly Father fights our battles.

Let God be the one who sings your praise.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Michelle Heed

Michelle Heed and her husband of fifteen years are missionaries working with orphans and the vulnerable poor in Tanzania, Africa. She is originally from New York. She and her husband have one adopted daughter and two cats that believe they are people.