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The God of New Beginnings

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "…plans to give you hope and a future."  Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.After the shock wore off, I thought, how will I support myself?

My husband had pastored a rural church for only ten months when he and a young mother from the congregation drove away together one Sunday night around midnight. He returned the next morning to gather his belongings and then was gone from my life forever.

I soon realized I needed a way to support myself. I had no experience working outside my home. For twenty-seven years I had been a wife, mother, and homemaker. I felt I had no qualifications for anything, but God was bringing His plans to fruition.

A woman from our former church told me about a temporary job where her daughter worked as a secretary. The job paid only minimum pay, but I felt the Lord’s leading. One major problem stood in my way. My husband had taken our only car, and I was living in the church parsonage, thirty-five miles from the job. I had no money to purchase a car. I felt stranded.

A few days before the job began, someone gave me a used car, complete with license plate and insurance. I had worked at the job only one week when the secretary got upset, quit, and recommended me to replace her. I was hired as the district secretary for a non-profit organization that assisted cancer victims.

You might say, “That could never happen to me.” But God works in many ways, and it could happen to you. He has a plan for the lives of His followers, and when we willingly give Him control, wonderful things happen.

God’s timing may not correspond with ours, but He loves His children. Like a loving father, He will open doors we thought were closed forever.

Allow the God of new beginnings to work out His plan in your life.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Norma Mezoe

Norma C. Mezoe strives to be a Barnabas in her writing and in her living. Norma has been a published writer for thirty years and has written for magazines, devotionals, and S.S. literature. She is active in her small church as clerk, teacher, and bulletin maker. Norma may be contacted at normacm@tds.net.