“I hope I’m good enough.”
That was Gladys’ response when we talked about going to heaven. Gladys was an older neighbor who had lived nearby for several years, but we never became acquainted until she needed help. Over a period of time, we became good friends and had serious talks about salvation.
As a young person, Gladys had accepted Jesus Christ, but she wasn’t assured of her salvation. She counted on being good enough to enter heaven’s gates, not realizing she could never be good enough.
A minister took a survey of people he met while walking in a city. When asked if they were going to heaven and why they believed this, the answers varied. Many, like Gladys, said they were good people and hoped that was enough. Others spoke of their many years of being active in their churches.
Only a few gave the correct answer: they had accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. They did not depend upon their good works for access to heaven. They knew it was only through God’s grace they were saved.
As our relationship deepened through the years, Gladys and I talked often about Scriptures from the Bible and their meaning. As long as her health permitted, she attended worship services and grew in her knowledge of the Bible and of the sacrificial love Jesus had for her.
Eventually, when we talked about going to heaven, she no longer said she hoped she was good enough. She had the assurance that Jesus’ blood and love would open the doors for her to enter.
Are you counting on good works, on attending worship services, or on working in the programs and activities of the church to admit you into heaven?
Only Jesus Christ has the key that unlocks the door to heaven.
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
May we be diligent, persistent witnesses, as this writer, in order to lead people into a saving, life-altering relationship with Jesus.