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Embrace His Call

I say to myself, "The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him."  Lamentations 3:24 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.“We're out of gas! Oh no!”

Fortunately, we were at the top of a hill and could coast the rest of the way. As passengers, we were in unfamiliar territory, but the driver grew up in the town. She knew a gas station sat at the bottom of the hill. The rest of us were clueless, but our navigator knew the landscape perfectly.

When it comes to our spiritual journey, we are often oblivious to our surroundings but then suddenly realize the approaching difficulties. The prophet Jeremiah knew trouble firsthand. In fact, he is often known as the “Weeping Prophet.” God charged him with warning the people of impending judgment upon the nation of Judah, and he stayed true to his calling. A tough assignment.

Surprisingly, his harshest critics were the religious people, false prophets, and priests who claimed his talk was nonsense. These so-called religious leaders lulled the people into thinking they were safe, when they were in danger of God's judgment. In the event of an unlikely Babylonian invasion, the elders even encouraged the people to trust in neighboring Egypt to save them. They ignored their Covenant God, and the nation suffered greatly.

Deception and delusion are rampant in our culture. Believing a religious leader who proclaims a truth that sugarcoats reality and promises an easy fix is easy. Yet we are citizens of God's kingdom on earth, called to be light in the midst of darkness. He does not call us to make peace with evil. He calls us to make peace with Himself and to fight evil. Vigilance to truth in turbulent times demands our utmost attention to this God-given assignment.

In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, many experienced an identity crisis. They wondered who they were apart from church functions, eating at favorite restaurants, or driving to the nearest attraction. The answer was and is simple. We are God's children, and He requires no social distancing.

COVID was an opportunity to tune into God's channel, while tuning out all others. Soak in the truth of His Word. Then stand for Him. Be a Jeremiah. Obey His call in the face of adversity.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)


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Deborah Payne

Deborah Payne is an educator in both the public and private sectors. Her passion is mentoring young believers. Deborah lives in Fort Wayne, IN, with her husband Bruce and playful cat Scooter.