When I was little, my daddy, two of my uncles, one of my cousins, and I went on a shrimping trip.
Late that night, after my daddy and uncles finished shrimping, they wondered how to get the shrimp back to land. Suddenly, a great wind arose on the gulf—one like in the Bible story. My dad and uncles decided to drop the nets into the boat, and off we went. It looked as if the boat spun in a big circle. I looked at the clouds, and it appeared they spun like tops.
Whenever we hit a wave and came down, it sounded as if the boat was doing a belly buster instead of the front or back of the boat hitting the waves. I was scared, but my younger cousin was more afraid than I was. He cried the whole time—and even on the way home. I prayed and said, “Peace be still.” Although the winds didn’t calm as when Jesus said the same, we made it safely to land, and I felt the peace of God.
Jesus was asleep until His disciples awoke Him with their cries for help. After all, He was and is God and had everything under control. They had a lot of trouble trusting God to deliver them.
I’ve weathered a few storms since the one with my dad—at least one of my own making and some not of my own—but God has helped me through them all.
When the storms of life come, ask God to help you trust Him instead of worrying about them.
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Just the Biblical truth I needed to hear as we face a historic winter storm! May we trust the Lord and know His peace.