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It's Too Crowded

Jesus entered Jericho and was passing through. A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy. He wanted to see who Jesus was, but because he was short he could not see over the crowd.  Luke 19: 1-3 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.My three-year-old grandson entertained us at the dinner table, singing a song about Zaccheus. My eyes filled with tears at the sweet sound and over his delight in singing about Jesus going to a “wee little man’s” house.

Sometimes we don’t see Jesus, but it’s not because we are vertically challenged like Zacchaeus. It’s because of the crowd. There’s too much in our way—a to-do list or people making demands on our time. The urgent, the necessary, and the important block our view. Or preoccupation with self or disappointment that things aren’t turning out as we wanted. My focus is on what I wish I had.

Things, attitudes, events, and people crowd Jesus out, no matter how tall we are. We give everything priority except seeing and listening to Him. 

Zacchaeus did everything he could just to see Jesus. Jesus responded by changing Zacchaeus’ life.

We don’t have to climb a tree, but we may have to prioritize our day and change our calendars. We may have to purpose in our heart to pray and read God’s Word to renew our focus. We can share what we have learned and receive encouragement from people who do the same.

When we do, like Zacchaeus, we’ll find the view is awesome. When we see Jesus, change happens.

Ask God for the persistence and passion Zacchaeus had.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Marilyn Nutter

Marilyn Nutter loves finding treasures in unexpected places: gratitude in mulch, conversations with grandchildren, and secrets in an old trunk. Most of all, she has found the treasure of hope in loss. Unexpectedly widowed after forty-two years of marriage, she has found a brilliant treasure in Lamentations 3:22-23. After a career as a speech-language pathologist, Marilyn pursued writing and is the author of devotional books and a contributor to print, online publications, and compilations. She is co-author of the award-winning Destination Hope: A Travel Companion When Life Falls Apart. Her book Hope for Widows: Reflections on Mourning, Living, and Change will be released in 2024. She serves as a facilitator for Grief Support for Spouses and on the women’s ministry team at her church. Her blog encourages others toward hopeful living by weaving hope and purpose in their ordinary and challenging days.