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Millie's Plastic Bags

Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against you.  Psalm 119:11 KJV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.Millie has a habit.

Millie stuffs plastic grocery bags into other grocery bags and then places those bags into more plastic bags until she acquires bundles of bags within bags. These bundles hang in the kitchen, in the laundry room, in the linen closet, in the garage, and under every sink in the house.

One day I confronted Millie about her obsession. She gave an endless list of reasons why they must stay within easy reach. The luxury of grabbing a bag at a moment’s notice must bring comfort to Millie. It’s a security thing, I guess. Why worry about running out of bags when you don’t need to? After removing all but one bundle of bags in the house and suffering repercussions from it for days, I decided never to bring up the subject again.

Millie’s picturesque manner of storing bags gave me reason to notice an identical pattern I display with my need for God’s Word—and why I must hide so many Scripture verses in my heart because of their practical uses. I like to keep them within easy reach, just in case the moment warrants attention from God’s Word.

Some verses find their way into specific compartments of my life, and I will often add another verse to the existing supply. This practice of adding verses gives me immediate access to the truths I need to fill my heart. It’s a security thing I guess, needing the assurance that God’s Word is within easy reach.

Arm yourself with truth from God’s Word so you can move forward through every trauma you face.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Anne O'Donnell

Anne O’Donnell grew up in a household where the word “relationships” did not exist. Although she craved them at a young age, and attached herself to destructive ones into adulthood, she never expected that Jesus was preparing her for a future of reaching people—a future born out of the pain and depression that controlled her for so many years. She now spends countless hours online, connecting with individuals who believe they have no hope. She remains in awe of a God who used her past to create the future she now enjoys. God has blessed her with four children and a husband who has had to endure many challenges from living with her. She loves Jesus and continues to press forward into her senior years with a hope that is alive.