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Dancing over Me

The Lord your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy  Zephaniah 3:17 NASB

(Photo courtesy of office.microsoft.com.)I danced the day my daughter was born. Excitement overflowed as I held this newborn wonder in my arms. Tears of joy streamed. Songs erupted from my innermost being. Prayers and praises of thanksgiving arose out of me. Cuddling the tiny bundle, I took her on her first dance around the hospital room. 

Through the years we’ve continued to dance. When she was a young child I picked her up at times, held her tight, and sang songs to her. Her daddy was excited she was alive. Recently she called me into her room and asked if I would let her stand on my feet, grab hands, and dance around the room. I held her close and slowly danced, rejoicing over her. 

The Bible promises God’s nearness and constant love. We can accept that reality even when we don’t feel it. We can choose to believe His nearness and love when we show up at our job daily, when we care for a sick loved one, or when we do our routine tasks at home. God is always with His children. The Father loves His sons and daughters immensely and on days when we may feel neglected or alone, the Lord’s promises bring hope and challenge us to keep going. 

Take the time to read and meditate on His Word. Be reminded of His nearness. Stop and praise the Lord in your spirit. Sit quietly in a chair or stretch out on the floor facedown, stilling yourself until you are aware of His presence. God is quietly nearby, delighting in His children. 

Prayer: Loving Father, make me aware of Your presence today. Thank You for taking delight in me, your child. 

(Photo courtesy of office.microsoft.com.)

(For more devotions, visit www.christiandevotions.us.)

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Rhett Wilson

Rhett Wilson pastors The Spring Church in Laurens, South Carolina. His blog, Faith, Family, and Friends, can be found at www.rhettwilson.blogspot.com. He enjoys doing life with his wife and three children, exploring waterfalls in the Carolinas, reading and writing, and listening to wholesome country, classical, and Broadway music. He enjoys reading Southern fiction and legal thrillers. 
