One of a kind. That’s Kaitlyn. She entered the room, and her smile shone like the sun. “Hi Kaitlyn.” Her eyes tenderly met mine and she blushed just a bit. I stretched my arm around her and gently hugged. She nuzzled tightly under my arm, and there was such a warm, sweet embrace.
She is . . . one of a kind.
Though words elude her, joy enraptures her. She is captivated by your presence and rejoices in your attention. Yes, she is one of a kind.
Kaitlyn is special. Her needs unique. Born with a one-of-a-kind chromosomal disorder, there’s no one else at this time entered into medical data bases who share her disability.
My own son, also born with a chromosomal disorder, doesn’t match Kaitlyn either, but what they share in common is nothing short of envious. Their worlds are not perfect according to man’s standards. Some look at them and pity these amazing childlike adults, while others grasp hold of the specialty of their uniqueness and find the blessing they hold.
The writer of Psalms probably had no idea about disabilities, but he obviously understood feeling as though he couldn’t meet the standards. When he reassured himself of his place in the love of God, he found comfort. He found he was fearfully and wonderfully made.
God’s works are never failures. They never require pity or sadness because in His infinite wisdom, His plan for every individual is wonderful. It’s us who set standards others can’t attain. It’s us who judge the worth of those who in our eyes . . . are different. We fail to see they are fearfully and wonderfully made–perfect in the eyes of the Creator. Perfect in His plan.
When others look at our kids with sadness and pity, we show them their joy. When folks look beyond the physical imperfections of Kaitlyn and Chase and peer into their souls, they are overwhelmed with contentment, joy, peace, and wonder.
Kaitlyn is one of a kind, but her place in the heart of the Father is greater than anything I can achieve. Don’t let fear stop you from knowing the heart of one who may be physically different. Be welcomed into their heart. Once you are there, you will see the wonder of God’s plan.
(Photo courtesy of the author.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Cindy: Thank you so very much! You have described how Kaitlyn has stolen all of our hearts and what a blessing she and you truly are. I have spent a lot of time with Kaitlyn over the years, and even though she is not as verbal as most people, she speaks with her eyes & her heart.
This is beautiful Cindy.