Change in life is inevitable; it must come.
Change is said to be the only thing in this world that is constant. It is usually not easy to accept or adapt to, and we can experience change in different aspects of our life. We may change our name, our location, our business, or our mindset. Change can also mean repenting from our sins and accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, allowing the Holy Spirit to transform us by renewing our mind.
We learn to deal with any change in life because our parents experienced change, dealt with it, and succeeded.
Abraham’s name was changed from Abram to Abraham (father of many nations) even when he had no child. God instructed him to leave his father’s house, and he did. He wasn’t afraid of the unknown.
To deal with change, we have to encourage ourselves with the Word of God and trust Him because He is faithful, just, and upright. We can plan our course, but God determines our steps. Change is not easy to accept but when it comes, face it head on and don’t depend on addictive substances to help you cope.
Do not to be afraid in the face of change. God is with you, and He will cause you to prosper. Deal with change; don’t let it deal with you.
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Nnaemeka Durueke is a pastor who is married to a lovely woman. He loves to train disciples for Christ. Email him at