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O Come, Let Us Worship!

Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!  Psalm 95:6 ESV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.As a little girl, I spent delightful moments singing about the little Lord Jesus asleep in the hay. I loved to gaze at our family’s small nativity scene and see the characters gathered lovingly around the newborn child: Mary, Joseph, angels, shepherds, wise men, and the animals.

The setting was sweet, serene, and warm. As much as I could comprehend, I knew it was a holy scene. Still, I couldn’t grasp—and likely never will—who this baby boy truly was: God Almighty in human flesh. But even in my little girl way, I knew Jesus was a special baby—and I loved that baby.

As I grew, my understanding of why Jesus was so special did too. My love for who that baby was, and is, matured. Now, in my grown-up way, I see and love Jesus as the King of kings, Almighty God, Lord, and Savior.

During this Christmas season, I hope to enter an even deeper and more worshipful relationship with the One who left the glories of heaven to be born and live among us. I want to do as the psalmist invited: “Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!”

Our lives are different when we worship God from the heart the way the psalmist did. Our lives change when we make worship a part of our daily quiet time—when we revere God. Life is sweeter when we acknowledge God’s power and when compassion is our first response to every circumstance … rather than our last.

Instead of filling our thoughts with what we’ll get for Christmas, we can get to know Jesus and the wonders of His person—who He is and how He thinks.

Spend this Christmas season praising your Lord and Maker. You’ll love Him just a little bit more.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Sheryl Boldt

Sheryl Boldt serves as a Faith/Church guest columnist for several Florida newspapers including The Tallahassee Democrat and The Wakulla News. She also emcees Wave 94’s, “Sheryl Shares,” radio program. Visit Sheryl’s blog at www.TodayCanBeDifferent.net.             


  1. I, too, had an instinctive reverence for the baby Jesus. Somehow I knew he was special. (Maybe because all the big people were gathered around him in the manger!) Once I became a Christian, I began to truly understand.