A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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Eternity's Values

For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?  Mark 8:36 KJV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.While sitting in a class for elementary school principals, we were directed by the facilitator to predict which of the items in front of us were the heaviest.

We took the picture cut outs of the objects and ranked them from lightest to heaviest. Then we glued our choices to yellow construction paper. This way we couldn’t manipulate our answers if we were incorrect.

In the next part of the science investigation, we checked our predictions. We weighed each object and compared them with the other items until we determined a final outcome. I was surprised that some things I thought were heavier just by looking at them were lighter. Using my sight was not enough to determine an item’s weight. I needed an impartial instrument, a scale, to find the items’ mass. 

This is like my life choices. God asks me to look at what I say and do. In so many words, He instructs me to look at eternity and decide if a choice weighs more than my soul. Am I willing to go on my own predictions? Have I taken this choice and measured or checked it against the Word of God?

What I discovered that day was that using only my eyes to examine the different weights fooled me. It took an unbiased measure to determine the true weight. In light of eternity, I’ve decided to use the factual measure found in the Bible when making choices that affect my life and my soul.

Make sure to weigh your decisions to see if they align with God’s Word.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Patricia Newton

Patricia Newton is amazed at the universe God created. She loves to read historical and scientific topics and make connections between the Bible, science, history, and literature, seeing how they intersect in her understanding of the world. She believes there will never be enough time to indulge her thirst for knowledge. Patricia is an unashamed follower of Jesus Christ and believes the Bible has the answer for all that's out of kilter in our present world. She is a member of a big family and has a passel of children of her own. She has earned a B.A. in history, a Masters of Education, and a Bible school diploma.