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The World Beyond Our Own

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.  Galatians 6:2 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.All walks of life come into this coffee shop.

I paused from typing to look around and sip my nice, warm. white-chocolate latte. A gentleman at the next table talked to someone’s face on his computer. Behind me, some sort of counseling session took place as one lady told about the difficulties in her life. The couple from the table in front of me headed for the door. When she realized she had forgotten her purse, she quickly returned for it.

So, who was this gentleman speaking to on his computer? Maybe family from far away? What exactly was this lady behind me going through? Why did the woman forget her purse? Was there something on her mind?

People are alone here—in couples, in small and large groups. Some in a hurry to grab a coffee and bagel and others to have a nice lunch while dining in. Whether it’s a woman by herself, staring off in a blank gaze while sipping her third cup, or the waitress who served her that coffee, we all have a story. We all have trials and burdens that weigh us down from time to time. But this shouldn’t stop us from stepping out of our own world and into someone else’s.

God wants us to love and care for one another. Unfortunately, I have missed numerous opportunities to learn more about someone and their situation. I could pray with them or for them, as well as offer help or a listening ear. Even a smile in their direction could make all the difference.

We have the God-given ability to share the love of Christ that He so generously shows us. If we are willing, God will use us as a blessing to someone. So often, we are caught up in the busyness of life and with good reason as it becomes more difficult to keep up with the daily demands and challenges—and hopefully some good times too.

But don’t forget every now and then to look up from your latte. In blessing someone else, you just may be blessed yourself.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Ashley Dutch

Ashley Dutch lives in Crossville, Tennessee, with her husband who owns a pressure cleaning business. She is pursuing a ministry in Christian writing. She and her husband enjoy God’s creation by hiking in the woods and searching for seashells on the beach. Her passion is to spend time with the Lord and to serve Him.