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Be You

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.  Ephesians 2:10 NKJV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.We don’t cheer for an apple tree that bears apples. It’s an apple tree; that’s what it does.

Some apples have worms in them, and others spoil because they are left on the tree too long. That doesn’t make the apple tree a failure. The apple tree doesn’t worry about what happens to the fruit it produces. It just keeps producing fruit.

I once dreamed of standing on a big stage in front of crowds of women and sharing the truths of God’s Word. I thought I would be successful and feel good about myself. And God would be impressed with what I was doing for Him.

I didn’t understand what Paul taught. My worth isn’t based on what I do, but who I am. God created each of us in His image—unique and one of a kind. One day, we will stand in the light of His presence. I imagine the room will be so bright, but not the kind of light that makes us squint or gives us a headache. More like a summer sun that fills us with the realization of how God sees us: valuable and precious.

When we give our actions to the world to judge, we set ourselves up for heartache. Crowds turn and fame flees. People’s opinions are just that ... opinions. We don’t need to give them the power to judge our worth based on what we do.

Beauty doesn’t have to be recognized for it to be beautiful. Edgar Allan Poe and Vincent van Gogh both died as failures in their own eyes and the eyes of their peers, but they weren’t. We can release our gifts to the world like dandelion seeds blowing in the wind and be content with wherever the wind takes them.  

I don’t need crowds to make me feel worthy. My Father loves me. My value and worth aren’t dependent on what I do, but rather on being fearfully and wonderfully handmade by the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

You were created to do what no one else on this earth can do. Be who you were made to be.

Don’t give others the power to define your success. 

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Nancy Beach

Nancy Beach enjoys reading, sunsets, and sand in her toes. She has been married for twenty-five years and has two grown children. She has a Bachelor of Science in Bible and enjoys leading women’s Bible studies, prayer teams, and writing. She is a member of Toastmaster’s International and is active in the North Ridgeville Writer’s Group. You can find her on twitter @nancymbeach or her blog at www.filledtoempty.com.  


  1. I think one reason so many big ministries have fallen is because they had their eyes on the big crowds instead of our BIG God to whom we must all give account and who also loves us.

  2. Great advice, Nancy! Thank you. It really is amazing when we start seeing His purpose and pleasure in us instead of seeking it from the world.

  3. Nancy, I love, love, love this.... be you! Congratulations on your first published piece that in itself is an accomplishment. More than that you get what this writing thing is all about, to bring God Glory. Thank you for sharing from your heart!

  4. Thank you for the beautiful word pictures you created. I especially saw myself in the tree analogy. These words spoke deep into my soul. They so encouraged me to “just be me” and trust God to do what He does best - be God.