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Craving God

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Matthew 6:33 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.My dog craved being outside and active more than anything else.

I woke up one Saturday morning feeling tired and lazy. I knew I would enjoy a nice run if I went outside, but I had a hard time making myself go out the door. My dog, on the other hand, stood at the door, begging me to take him. As I drank coffee, trying to summon my desire to leave, he looked at me with those puppy dog eyes, attempting to hurry me out the door.

My life is often a series of craving the wrong things. I have had seasons where I have craved money, recognition, and approval more than the things of God. I have used food, exercise, other people, and material things to feed my inner pains instead of turning to Him. It’s okay to want to do things and have things, but we should only crave God.

I should crave God and His word the way my dog craves going for a run. I need to focus on Him, letting Him dominate my thoughts and actions. I need to be passionate about His word and read and meditate on it. His presence inside of me filters my words and actions. 

God gave us the ability to crave so we would crave Him. When we crave money, food, recognition, other people, drugs and alcohol, entertainment, sex, or anything else more than we crave Him, we will never have peace, joy, or happiness. I enjoy running, spending time with those I love, working, shopping, and eating, but I was made to crave only God.

Ask God to help you crave Him more than you do anything else. 

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Joanna Bryan

Joanna Bryan has been a second grade teacher for the last fifteen years and also leads Bible studies and Sunday school at her church. She is married, has two teenage sons, and enjoys running, reading, and spending time with her family.
