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Ask and You Shall Receive

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  Matthew 7:7 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.I often find myself confronting a red-faced child, wondering what in the world I did to cause such upset. Their outburst concludes with a desperate plea for something I had no idea they wanted. Wasted time and energy spent being upset because they never asked.

Whether it be fear, trepidation, or pride, we have all found ourselves in a situation where we hesitated to ask for what we want or need. Being told no is often harder on our egos than not knowing at all. We are our own worst enemies, and we effectively place roadblocks in the path of God’s blessings.

Jesus reminds us of how we sell God short when we don’t ask for what we want and need. If we ask, it will be given to us. If we seek, we will find. And if we knock, the door will be opened. Our heavenly Father will give even better gifts than a parent.

Just as a parent takes joy in giving to their children, our heavenly Father does the same. We need simply to ask. The Devil fills our head and hearts with lies as he manipulates our waiting time to feel like wasted time. Satan encourages our doubts in asking and exacerbates our disappointment when we don’t receive exactly what we asked for.

Satan enjoys building roadblocks. Send him on a detour! Remind yourself God’s Word promises good gifts. If that gift is not what you’re expecting, know God has something far better in store than what you could possibly imagine.

The next time you are hesitant to ask God to fulfill a need or want, fall to your knees and do so with confidence. God promises to deliver good gifts. Be a gracious receiver clothed in trust and faithfulness. 

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Angela Jamison

Angela Jamison is a mother of four and works with young children as the director of a Christian preschool. After struggling with infertility, she and her husband entered the world of foster care where they have been overwhelmed exploring the path laid before them by the most perfect Father. When she is not entertaining children, Angela loves to read, write, and connect with mothers and parents to encourage and reiterate God’s design for the toughest job on earth. 


  1. Just this Sunday our pastor spoke about the foundational necessity for prayer. Your devotional affirms the power of asking of our heavenly Father. Keeping my prayer journal verifies that our loving Father wants to give us what is best for us. Thanks for an encouraging devotional.