While vacuuming one day, I noticed the vacuum container was full.
Being a dutiful husband, I took on the nasty task of emptying it. Dust specks danced freely as I dumped the contents into the trash. Thinking the job was done, I resumed my housework. Yet something was still wrong. It was not cleaning as deeply as I wanted.
Upon further inspection, I could see that fine dust still clogged the system. To consider the cleaning job complete by emptying the main contents and continuing to vacuum would be futile. I could go through the motions, yet truly clean nothing.
God’s Spirit used this setting to whisper a spiritual truth. It is easy to avoid or ask forgiveness for my large or readily recognizable sins. And yet the fine dust remains and continues clogging up a deeper spiritual life.
Fine dust represents those hidden, protected, excused, or ignored areas, actions, and mindsets. I may have grown so accustomed to or comfortable with them that I don’t readily see them. Close friends may be able to point out such blind spots. However, most often, such intimate scrutiny involves the searchlight of the Holy Spirit. The psalmist recognized this need by asking God to keep him from presumptuous and hidden (even pampered) sins.
When I humbly surrender and open myself before God, He reveals my fine dust. Then it becomes a matter of personal repentance and willingness to change. I must lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares me and allow God to dump my fine dust. Only in this way can I go deeper with Him on the path to Christlikeness. In addition to God’s ongoing searchlight and my willing submission to Him, there still remains my desire to honor Him in all I say and do.
Let the words of your mouth and the meditation of Your heart be acceptable in God’s sight.
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Your message on the fine dust was excellent. Thank you for sharing.