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Technology Changed on Me

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  Hebrews 13:8 NCV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.I once worked in the television industry.

One way to get into the industry was to know how to operate a studio camera. Today, robotic cameras have taken the place of humans. 

Later in my career, I oversaw lights for television. Lighting for a television camera is different from a film camera. I would like to have used my newly required lighting skills for the film camera my mom gave me, but they don’t make that type of film anymore.

Many of the commercials we see on television are shot in Canada. Companies who once shot training videos now use PowerPoint. When these videos were shot, the producers had to rent lights from a lighting company. Now, due to the lack of business, these companies have gone out of business.

The reason why these changes have happened is that changes in technology have occurred at a rapid pace, along with the need to cut costs. 

However, one thing has not changed and will never change: salvation. Salvation comes by the blood of Jesus. Another thing that will stay the same is that God will always provide for our needs.

If we are children of God, because of the blood that was shed on the cross, we have a home in heaven. This will not change because of economic concerns or technological changes. We can be confident God will always keep His promises.  

Technology may take away jobs, but Jesus will always be the same. Put your trust in Him.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Ken Ebright

Ken Ebright is a former Minnesotan who lives in Belleville, Illinois. He plays a keyboard, sings in a men’s choir, and does street witnessing.


  1. Aren't we thankful for unchangeable Christ that holds us fast? What a good encouraging reminder!