A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself.  John 12:32 NLT

A car floats through outer space, and it drives conviction into my heart.

A dummy by the name of Starman sits in a shiny, red convertible after being carried up by a rocket and then released to wander amongst nothingness. It’s a marketing stunt, set to gain awareness and boost sales of a practically unattainable vehicle—both by comprehension and monetary means. Although most can’t afford it, or understand it, they will hear and talk about it, marvel at it, and in some cases deny its reality.

People easily display fiction as truth. I do not excel in matters of science or technology, so I can’t make an educated guess about this event. I do know the person behind this idea is intentional and determined about getting the word out about his passion.

Thinking about this made me realize I don’t give adequate witness for my Savior. I might offer an encouraging biblical word to others occasionally. And I’m not ashamed, but I worry I can’t make others understand, that I can’t make them believe, or that they will think I’m obnoxious.

The Bible has a freeing truth: the Holy Spirit fills the gap and does the persuading. I don’t have to worry about that part.

When lifted up on the cross, Jesus established the salvation for our souls. If we lift up His name, He will put into motion whatever pull is needed to bring others into His saving grace.

Ask God to help you be more intentional about His commission to witness for Him.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Chrissy White

Chrissy White lives in Tennessee with her husband and two children. She enjoys spending time with her kids, reading, and writing.


  1. Our pastor frequently reminds us that the Holy Spirit does the "heavy lifting." We just have to do our part of being an intentional witness by our words and a silent witness by our lifestyle that points to Him.
