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Bridging the Gap

I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.  Psalm 34:4 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.I could keep going or turn around and go back the way I came, adding many more hours to my already long drive.

On my first car trip from Virginia to Delaware, I took the southern route through Virginia Beach before heading north up the eastern shore. What I did not take into account was that to get from one shore to the other, I had to cross the Chesapeake Bay which involved a twenty-three-mile bridge-tunnel combination. I had two choices.

More than the added time, I struggled with the idea of personal defeat should I choose the latter option. The fear of finding myself on a narrow bridge with multiple narrow tunnels surrounded by water is something I still find troubling. Conquering my fears is an ever-present battle. I prayed for God to help me overcome the enemy of fear. The short answer to the very long bridge is that God’s faithfulness took me across.

Since that day thirty-five years ago, I have made this trip many times. I would like to tell you I won the victory with my fight with fear, but that’s not exactly accurate. My victory against fear is rooted in the power of Jesus Christ, not my will to overcome. Like the psalmist, my willingness to trust in the Lord’s provision is the only thing that propels me forward when facing any fear.

You may not be afraid of bridges or high places like me. Maybe you fear sickness or another challenging human condition. We all have them. But Jesus is our Overcomer.

What holds you back when you want or need to move forward?

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Sherry Sharp

Sherry Sharp seeks and collects hearts, both literally and figuratively. Through writing and speaking, she wants her audience to join her in seeking and finding the heart of God in everyday life experiences. She is the author of Life Interrupted, Chicken Soup for the Soul, April Edition, 2014, where she shares her personal journey with her husband Richard through younger onset Alzheimer’s disease. Sherry serves as a director of Cure Alzheimer’s Fund. She is president of The Rick Sharp Alzheimer’s Foundation and is an advisor to Sweet Monday Ministry.
