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Prayer as Incense

Let my prayer be set before You as incense, the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.  Psalm 141:2 NKJV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.People in my church call me a prayer warrior.

Their term makes me a little uncomfortable, since it implies engaging in battle. Those in our armed forces fight hard to keep us free. When people apply the term to me, I feel as if they’re misusing it.

But I know what they mean. I fight against the power of Satan when I lift up the needs of others: church members requesting prayer for a lady with cancer or a man who lost his job. Friends asking prayer for their marriages. With strangers, I simply lift their names to God. He already knows their needs.

I also pray for God to keep my immediate and extended family safe, and that He will help them honest. I pray He will protect them from drugs, alcohol, and sexual sin. I also pray for our President, his family, state and federal representatives and senators, as well as world leaders. I pray for their salvation and that God will use them in accordance with His will.

The psalmist describes prayer rising to God as incense—a beautiful image of a pleasant fragrance rising to God’s throne room. I envision Him sitting on an enormous throne with Jesus at His right hand, listening to the prayers of millions of Christians.

God hears each individual’s prayer in whatever language it is offered and then responds in the best way. I believe He answers prayer with one of three words: yes, no, or wait.

I don’t always know the outcome of my intercessory prayers. Sometimes I’ll learn the woman with cancer is in remission, and I praise God. Other times, I’ll learn the man is still looking for work, so I continue lifting him to the Lord. Some marriages heal; others end in divorce. The results are left to God.

Prayer doesn’t need to be complicated or verbose, but heartfelt. Direct your prayers to God in faith, believing He hears and answers.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Christy Lindsay

Christy Lindsay’s writings have appeared in Blissfully Blended: 365 Devotional Readings for Stepmoms, christianitytoday.com, and Penned from the Heart, volumes 17-19. She writes a column for her hometown weekly newspaper, Community News. You can read her work at www.communitynewslinesville.com.


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