Railroad tracks have their purpose.
Not the presence of them, or the crossings, but the tracks. What they’re made of and how much space they occupy. They move large amounts of people and goods from one location to another down a narrow way and in the safest way possible. The tracks take up little space. Most railroad rights-of-ways are less than one hundred feet across—some as little as sixteen and a half feet. When cars attempt to cross the tracks, trains demand the right of way. Crossing gates come down, lights flash, and bells ring to announce the train. But the train doesn’t stop there.
Purchasing a ticket requires entering a station, boarding the correct train, and staying on board until reaching the destination. Easy, right? Unless you choose a place off the main line and have to transfer. Then it takes time and money to get back to the main destination.
Rarely do crossing accidents occur, and unless someone’s asleep at the switch, head-on crashes are unusual as well. However, trains sometimes derail—when maintenance hasn’t been performed or someone sabotages the line.
When Isaiah wrote about the coming of the Lord, he compared it to the likeness of a railway. One would have to pay for the ticket, and all would be welcome—even the fool—but the unforgiven sinner wouldn’t cross the tracks, even though they provide a direct link to the kingdom of God, to heaven, and to God’s holiness.
Intellectuals often call believers fools for boarding this railway. Still, the ride operates on a narrow path and goes from wherever we can get our ticket punched to the destination we seek. God protects those who ride along by blocking evil. God’s enemies try to stop us by doing whatever it takes to keep us from renewing our mind and trusting God.
But take heart! Get on the train and don’t be tempted to take a siderail to nowhere. Although we can change directions, it’s a lot harder when the Holy Spirit directs our path.
Jesus paid the price for you to take this free ride. Make sure your train is headed in the right direction, and find a good conductor to guide your journey.
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Warren Johnson self-published a novel years ago and works at bringing the sequel up to industry standards. He lives with his wife of forty six years, Barbara, in northwestern South Carolina. He fathered three kids and loves the ten-child descendants they bring to the table. Motorcycling and radio control airplanes use up some retirement time.