We've all heard the saying, "If life gives you lemons, make lemonade." That's another way of saying, "Make the most out of bad situations."
When I was a truck driver, customer relations were a crucial part of my job. Management seemed to think numbers made the company successful. As experienced drivers, we realized if we took take care of the customers, the numbers would take care of themselves.
As I walked into a customer's business—especially if he seemed frazzled and out of sorts—I often said, "Smile. It can't be that bad. If it is, it'll get better or get over. It always does."
That kind of greeting usually put customers at ease. If not, they'd reject my optimism and begin talking about their day. That also served a purpose. It allowed them to vent without fear of reprisal. A little bit of joy and pleasantness often changed someone's demeanor, improving their day and mine.
Sometimes we forget people are hurting and need encouragement. Our encouragement could be an old saying, a kind word, or even just a pleasant smile. I hope my words do that for others.
Any situation we're in could be worse. When we've had a bad day, there's still something that could've made it worse. Job lost all his children within moments, as well as his livestock and personal wealth. Yet he responded, "Naked came I out of my mother's womb and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord" (Job 1:21). Imagining a worse day than that is difficult, but he or his wife could also have died.
Things could always be worse. When life gives you lemons, just make some lemonade.
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Thank you for sharing Andy Hollifield’s posts. I really get a blessing when I read them. He truly is a man of God.