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Buried Alive

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.  James 3:17 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.Frenzied with the back-to-school rush, I perched in the middle of a mountainous mass of clothing that threatened to overwhelm me.

I desperately threw the articles of clothing into three stacks. One load to donate, a second for immediate use, and a third for storage.

Buried alive is buried alive, whether in dishes, laundry, information, or to-do lists. Any one of those can leave us feeling exhausted and hopeless. Often, we find ourselves overwhelmed with these issues at the same time.

God can help us sort information just like clothing so that we do not become entrapped under a pile that steals our joy. Life bombards us moment to moment with what we should, could, and might do. Advice from various sources pour in from news articles, social media, well-meaning friends, and family. We should sort these messages according to God’s Word, seeking His wisdom on how to prioritize our lives.

Most worldly thoughts should go straight into the rejection pile. Rather, we need to review and consider the second batch of advice we receive from godly individuals.

The third message from the Word of God has relevance for both immediate and future use. The sincere and peaceful wisdom from above allows us to navigate our world under the submission of Christ. God’s will is the safest place we can be. His pure wisdom gives us rest.

Reject the cluttering thoughts of the world. Allow room in your life for the processing and use of God’s wisdom. Take out the trash. You don’t need to say yes to harmful messages or yes to every item on your to-do list. Listen to and prioritize God’s wisdom for your life.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Heather Roberts

Heather Roberts is the mother of four and a wife to an amazing husband. You can find her at www.heathernroberts.com, where she writes about the encouraging insights the Lord has graciously given her, on Instagram at heather.n.roberts, and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/heather.roberts.90281943. She loves to read and garden and is always scoping out other people’s landscapes. Chocolate is her arch-nemesis, and she cherishes time spent in the pursuit of God’s voice.


  1. Great, timely article with godly wisdom.

  2. Such peace to read this! I love the image that God helps us sort through what overwhelms us.

  3. Great advice!! Always feel overwhelmed this time of year. God is good. He always provides.