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Draw Near to God

Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.  James 4:8 ESV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.On one Thanksgiving, I enjoyed a round of golf with my two adult sons.

I learned the game in my mid-thirties, then taught them to play as youngsters. We spent many summer evenings walking as many holes as we could play before dark.

By their late teens, my sons could outdrive me. By the time they reached their thirties, they beat me whenever we played. I didn’t mind. I valued the time I spent with them on the golf course, and I took satisfaction in knowing I had taught them to play.

My sons once needed my help to brush their teeth before bed, to put on a sweater as they dressed for church, and to tie their shoes multiple times throughout the day. I carried them on my shoulders when they were tired, and we had a long walk ahead. I remember when they climbed on the sofa as I watched a football game, just so I could hold them in my arms where they felt safe and secure.

Whether they were happy or sad, obedient or disobedient, pungent and sweaty from playing outside or smelling like baby shampoo after a bath, they did not hesitate to draw close and feel my embrace.

James tells us we can do the same with God. Regardless of what we have done or what we are going through, God invites us to draw near.

We draw near through confession, prayer, worship, and meditation on God’s Word. When we draw near to God, He does not turn us away. He draws near to us, wrapping His arms around us when we need His comfort and assurance that He loves us.

If you need to feel God’s love and acceptance, draw near to Him, and He will draw near to you.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Joel Berry

Joel Berry is an aspiring writer who will soon graduate from Dallas Theological Seminary with a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies. He serves as a spiritual mentor for men and leads a Bible study group for married couples. Joel and his wife, Cheri, live in Roswell, GA.


  1. Such a good reminder of the kind of heavenly Father we have!