A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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My Fifty-fifth Birthday

I have done hard and tiring work, and many times I did not sleep. I have been hungry and thirsty, and many times I have been without food. I have been cold and without clothes.  2 Corinthians 11:27 NCV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.As I took a shower on my fifty-fifth birthday, I thought about some things.

I thought about my rent continually increasing. I thought buying a home would better control my housing costs. After investigating the issue, I felt discouraged when I realized I couldn’t afford to purchase a home. That letdown caused me to ask the Lord if He cared about and loved me.   

Later that morning, I read my daily Bible reading. For some reason (God), I read the wrong reading for that day. But this verse spoke to me: I have done hard and tiring work, and many times I did not sleep. I have been hungry and thirsty, and many times I have been without food. I have been cold and without clothes. God chose Paul. yet many times he was without food and clothes. After I considered that truth, I read my morning devotion that talked about a girl who endured difficult struggles. She recited Bible verses that reminded her of God’s presence.

Although I read the wrong Scriptures and devotion, they both spoke truth and harmony to me. The Lord heard my cry. He told me I was not the only one who had difficulties. Paul had them as well. I complained, while Paul faced a worse situation. 

God will give us everything we need. We merely need to trust that He will keep a roof over our head and give us a warm bed to sleep in. The Lord always keeps His Word.

Are you trusting the Lord to meet your needs?

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Ken Ebright

Ken Ebright is a former Minnesotan who lives in Belleville, Illinois. He plays a keyboard, sings in a men’s choir, and does street witnessing.


  1. Such a good reminder to trust our situation to God!