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Live for Others

Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.  Philippians 2:4 KJV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.I attended a Bible college when I was younger, which had a motto that read, Live for others

An example of someone living for others is when my mamma, daddy, and I had a virus that kept us from going anywhere far from the house, except to attend church. Even then, we sat in our van and listened to a loudspeaker set up for that purpose. 

One of my mother’s sisters bought groceries and other things we needed and put them on our porch. That is a good example of what it means to live for others. 

Even though it’s true that some nice people who do not know the Lord still perform good works—but that their good works won’t save them—good works will accompany salvation.  We do those good works as Christians because we love the Lord—just as we read our Bibles, pray, and attend church for the same reason. Our love for others shows we love God. 

Another way we can live for others is to pray for them. As I heard one of the students say at that Bible college, “The least we can do is the most we can do—pray.” 

As Christians, we can pray and move the heart of God as we remain clean before Him. The Bible contains many examples of prayer. It also includes many instances of people praying for others, especially righteous people praying for the unrighteous—as well as for those on the edge of becoming unrighteous. 

In whatever way you can, live for others in Jesus’ name, especially by asking Him into your heart if you don’t know Him. That’s the best way to start. 

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Darrell Waters

Darrell Waters loves Jesus and wants to please Him in all he says, thinks, and does. He is legally blind and disabled but feels that devotional writing is his calling in life. Darrell sings in the choir and also specials on a singers' list in Sunday services as well as on Wednesday nights.


  1. What a good reminder to live as Jesus did when He was here on earth!