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Boarding the Right Ships

Let no man despise thy youth, but be thou an example of the believers in word, in conversation, (manner of life)... in purity.  1 Timothy 4:12 KJV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.Many words in the English language end with the suffix ship.

I don't know why this is, but I like comparing these words to the many ships we can choose to ride. And we can ride more than one at the same time, figuratively speaking of course.  

Some figurative ships are friendship, courtship, sportsmanship, and worship. Many gospel songs speak of our Christian journey from earth to heaven as riding a ship.

Paul tells Timothy to let no man despise his youth, but for him to ride the example ship for other believers. We should all do this, no matter our age. 

I once read a news story about two high school boys who played baseball on two opposing teams. The boy on one team, who struck out the other boy, went over and hugged him—an act of good sportsmanship. The news report said the hug was a social media sensation.

The boy who won and hugged his friend on the losing team was reared by godly parents who set an example before him. He knew what he did was the right thing to do.

Those of us who are older should set godly examples for youth so they'll want to set godly examples before others. We're all leading someone whether we know it or not, and we should strive to be a good influence. This is leadership.

Our leadership begins with fellowship with Christ at salvation. And this is the most important ship for us to board.

Make sure you board the right ships in life.   

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Darrell Waters

Darrell Waters loves Jesus and wants to please Him in all he says, thinks, and does. He is legally blind and disabled but feels that devotional writing is his calling in life. Darrell sings in the choir and also specials on a singers' list in Sunday services as well as on Wednesday nights.