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God Sees Beauty, Not Clothes

And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.  Matthew 6:28-29 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.“Hmm … let’s see … what shall I wear today?”

I don’t know how many times I’ve spoken those words while peering into the closet at hangers stuffed with clothes. I often spend several minutes each morning trying to decide what to wear.

I had never considered the time spent on the process. Deciding what to wear is only one part of it. There is also shopping for clothes, trying on clothes, and buying clothes. Sometimes this can consume a whole afternoon.

So, what drives us to stuff our closet with clothes? And what’s the big deal anyway?

The world of advertising influences our shopping habits and places a huge emphasis on our appearance. Millions of dollars are spent each year on fashion—all revolving around our looking good. But is this important to God?

Jesus speaks to the crowds about this topic in Matthew’s gospel when He draws their attention to the lilies of the field. The lily’s natural beauty far outshines even King Solomon in all his splendor.

Not long ago, a pastor friend of mine started me thinking about the whole clothes dilemma when he wrote, If I am serious about overcoming the world in the area of fashion, I will stop trying to receive pleasure from my clothing purchases and begin to see them instead as performing a necessary function.

This issue comes down to a matter of mindset. If I change my view of clothes and see them as a functionality instead of a status symbol, I’ll spend less time getting dressed and shopping, which frees up more time for me to spend with God.

God desires time spent with Him. He doesn’t care about our outward appearance but looks at our inner beauty instead. In God’s eyes, we are beautifully dressed no matter what we wear.

Let the fashionista in you decide it's time to revamp your closet.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Sheryl M. Baker

Sheryl M. Baker enjoys bringing hope and encouragement through God's Word. Her devotions have appeared in Light from the Word, The Secret Place, Power for Today, and christiandevotions.us. She is a contributing author to Yvonne Lehman’s books, Spoken Moments, More Christmas Moments, and Loving Moments. Sheryl lives in northwest Indiana with her husband Ben and spoiled cat Rex. Connect with Sheryl at sherylmbaker.wordpress.com or spunbythepotter.com.