The first time my husband tried hearing aids was a disaster.
“I can hear people on the other side of the room, but I can’t hear the person right in front of me,” he complained. “All I get is the distracting background noise.”
After hearing about a new technology, he visited the audiologist to test drive the new model. That night, he pulled a small remote from his pocket. “Look at this! I can change the setting to match my environment.” He demonstrated the button as if I would be able to experience whatever was going on inside his ears. “This one is called party mode. It’s made for restaurants and noisy places. It focuses on what’s right in front of me and filters out the distractions.” His face lit up. “I think I’ll just stay in party mode all the time.”
Jesus and His disciples were guests in Mary and Martha’s home. Mary sat at the Lord’s feet while Martha served. “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself?” Jesus replied to the heart of the issue. “Martha, Martha … you are worried and troubled about many things, but one thing is needed.”
Martha wasn’t overworked from serving. She was worried and troubled, and that had her distracted from the Lord’s presence. Jesus further says, “Mary has chosen that good part, and it will not be taken away from her.” If Mary could choose the good part, then Martha had a choice too.
If only removing distractions were as easy as changing the setting on a hearing aid. With the push of a button we could eliminate dirty dishes, flat tires, and TV commercials. Another press of the button and we’d filter out fear, anxiety, and worry. We could focus on the important things right in front of us: enjoying family, witnessing to a friend, sharing in joys and sorrows, and caring for the vulnerable.
The next time you find yourself worried, troubled, or overcome with distractions, remember Jesus calls us to make a choice. While it may not be as easy as pressing a button, we can choose to focus on His presence, eliminate distractions, and stay in party mode.
Don’t let the distractions of this world keep you from enjoying the party mode.
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Lovely thoughts!
I love this, Theresa.
A great reminder to filter out the discouragement that tries to buzz in my ear, Teresa. Thanks.
I know Teresa and Dan. They are great, self-sacrificing people. I follow closely the work they are doing. I really enjoyed this devotional and hope to hear more from her.