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The Best Is Yet to Come

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Matthew 11:28 NIV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.For years, a friend of mine has said to me, “The best is yet to come.”

Because this friend is also a believer, I have always thought her saying had more to do with heaven than my life here on earth. In that sense, it is true, although it still seems quite far away.

I am not sure my circumstances have changed so dramatically that I have started seeing it my friend’s way, but I am more certain of one thing: I am changing. I am beginning to see some of the fruit of her words here and now.

With every conviction, big and small, my earthly defenses are eroding, allowing me to see more clearly the folly of all the ways I have tried to protect myself, control people and events, and make things work as I think best—as if I could.

As I surrender, I am finding rest for my soul that I have only known in fleeting moments, as well as freedom for which I have fought people and circumstances most of my life.

My realization is not unlike Dorothy’s red slippers. That rest and freedom have always been available to me for as long as I have known the Lord. But I have not always known how to gain access, and, even when I knew how, most of the time I was too busy arguing or wrestling against God’s will to yield and receive the benefits of surrender.

As I submit my will and my way to God’s will and His way, peace and stillness come softly and strongly to my soul, bringing tears to my eyes. At that moment, I can’t help but wonder why letting go was so hard in the first place. I know I haven't let go enough, but this taste of God's goodness is on my tongue and in my soul, and I don't want to forget again.

Each time I experience God’s rest and freedom, I wonder why we fight Him so.

What can you do to experience God’s best?  

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Sally O'Connor

Sally Klein O’Connor is a wife, mom to three daughters, singer and songwriter, author, speaker, host of “Love Stories” on HSBN.tv, and co-founder of Improbable People Ministries.