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When Life Gives You Frizz

Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert.  Isaiah 43:19 NASB

Photo courtesy of pixabay.I awoke for church one morning, flipped on the bathroom light, looked in the mirror, and beheld—the great cloud of witnesses perched atop my head.

Ordinarily, my hair tends to share my rather straight-laced if unpolished personality. But that morning, every kink and curl had taken on a life of its own, witnessing to the infinite creativity of God’s colorful character. But then I thought, When life gives you frizz, embrace it.

We spend so much time and energy trying to tame our circumstances, sculpting them to conform to our vision. We operate out of an innate need to maintain control, because when life plays out the way we expect it to, we feel secure. But God, as Isaiah said, is doing something new.

In truth, if our faith cannot see the fullness of God’s kingdom already manifested in the world today, then we need God to do the unexpected in our lives. In our limited vision, the desert probably does not have a river running through it. Yet we need that river in the midst of life’s dry seasons. And who would not appreciate a road in the wilderness when the trials overcome us and we cannot see the way out?

If we want God’s best, we must embrace the new in life by putting away the sculpting gel and hairspray, taking what God gives us and finding our personal expression in it.

So, what became of my Sunday morning frizz?  I curled the rest of my hair to match it and went on to have a gloriously quirky day with God. You can do the same.

Ask God to help you trust and surrender to Him and to embrace the new things in life even when they do not fit your vision.

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Diana Battista

Diana Battista is an aerospace engineer-turned-technical writer with an insatiable curiosity for the things of God. Nothing thrills her more than a new revelation about God, and nothing excites her more than sharing what she has learned so that others may experience freedom, victory, and fulfillment in their own lives. She is currently planted in Houston, TX, with her two adorable terriers, the “girlies.”
