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A Sweet Aroma

For we are the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.  2 Corinthians 2:15 ESV

Photo courtesy of pixabay.As I planted my freshly purchased annuals, I wondered which flower had such a sweet aroma.

I sniffed each one as I dropped them into their new mud homes, but I never found that lovely spring messenger. My work finally done—and my grass-stained knees creaking—I gathered my garden tools and wandered over to a bed I had not tended. I wanted to at least peek at my project for another day. The aroma greeted me again, growing stronger as I approached.

Tucked in among the Hosta, the plant that can overpower a garden, rested some tenacious Lilies of the Valley, barely peeking out from among the giant plants. They stood unassuming and small, but sent out a large and inviting fragrance as a message of their presence, even among the giants that squeezed them. I wanted to stand near the flowers, look closely at their blooms, and inhale their fragrance.

I want my fragrance to send out a message of the hope and peace I have in Christ, even if I am nestled among giants who don’t know Him. Like the lilies, I want to be unassuming and make no excuse, except that my hope is not my doing and that anyone can have that same peace. I want my trust in Jesus’ atoning sacrifice to be so fragrant that anyone without that hope wants to ask me how they can have it.

I pushed the Hosta leaves aside, cupped the little flowers in my hands, and breathed deeply, in no rush to leave them.

Yes. I want to be like the lilies and have a fragrance of hope that draws people closer and makes them want to tarry long enough to find out what gives me hope and peace. As they tarry, I pray they will embrace my hope and carry the fragrance of Christ with them to others.

What kind of fragrance are you emitting?

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Maureen Lewicki

Maureen Lewicki is a retired teacher of the blind and visually impaired, living in Albany NY with her husband of forty years. She loves her garden, although she is not so in love with the weeds. She is also passionate about knitting, her children, and grandchildren, but not in that order.


  1. Such a beautiful message! You are a wonderful, life long friend who has always emitted a Lily of the Valley fragrance. ??

  2. A perfect visual of what our goal should be as God's children! Love this!

  3. Maureen expresses the thoughts I have as I spend time among my strongly opinionated fellow fiber artists. What a picture she paints reflecting the desire of a believer's heart concerning her unbelieving friends!

  4. Love this analogy! A great reminder to be Christ to others, thanks for sharing! ????

  5. Dear Maureen, Thank you for this devotion. It is lovely. Monica

  6. Thanks s much.

  7. Beautiful devotion. It speaks to me as a fellow lover of nature. The lord speaks through his creation. This devotion is beautifully written

  8. Gentle and Sweet encouragement, and a loving challenge each day to live Beautifully fragrant for my Savior. Thank you!??

  9. Lovely piece. You painted a lovely picture of the garden with sun vidi images and fragrance. It brought me a moment to ponder my aroma and if I am attracting people to Jesus with it. Well done. Thank you for making my day and helping me walk along side you in the garden with Jesus.

  10. Well said. Be noticeable even if you are small.

  11. What a beautiful reminder of what we are called to be by our baptism. Beautifully written! I pray I too can be the fragrance of Christ to others.

  12. I love the smell of lilies of the valley. Your story is a beautiful analogy to us being the fragrance of Christ in the midst of this world. Thank you writing it.

  13. Maureen, I love the fragrance of Lilies of the Valley. What a precious God-gift that you have now shared with readers. Thank you for this reminder to be a sweet aroma.

  14. Congratulations Maureen!!!!! Great news!!!

  15. Hopeful words dear friend! God is using you!

  16. I love this so much, Maureen! We were just discussing this last night during worship rehearsal. Thank you for reminding me to focus not so much on how loudly I speak or what I say, but on the fragrance I emit and the way that I humbly allow the Spirit to entice others to Himself.

  17. Thanks so much Maureen for this encouraging devotional. I pray that I too am emitting a lovely fragrance unto the Lord.

  18. Great reminder of how to live among all people, reflecting Christ in our daily lives! Thank you!

  19. What a wonderful story and such a great way to express the need to slow down, stop and smell the flowers. Take delight in the little things, the little signs God sends us. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

  20. Beautiful devotional! Such a great reminder today! ??

  21. This is beautiful, Maureen. You are a wonderful writer and I thank you for sharing your talents with us. Be Blessed!!!!

  22. Dear Maureen, You did it again!! I found myself blessed, praising God for giving you such a special gift of writing, and as the faithful stewart you are, how you keep using it to God's glory. Please carry on, and let us in on your next discovery of God's beautiful unknowns. With love, Sylvia

  23. What a wonderfully, yet simplistic example we can and should be for others in this world. These are difficult days. So glad we can share Our Christian aroma everywhere we go. Beautifully written. Thank you!

  24. Maureen, this is so compelling and beautifully written! Thank you for sharing it.

  25. Maureen, This is a beautiful devotion! It was encouraging to me in how you used flowers as a way of being a sweet aroma as a witness for the Lord. Thanks for writing this and keep me posted on any more you do. Blessings, Mary