As soon as my head hits the pillow, concerns fill my mind.
Like bothersome flies, the things I didn’t do during the day and the things I want to do tomorrow keep bugging me. Prayers for sick friends, for the homeless, and for someone grieving churn through my mind. I toss and turn. Take deep breaths. Relax my arms and my legs. Finally, sleep sneaks in and takes over.
When the morning sun creeps through my window, the angst of night fades away. I eat a slice of toast, drink my coffee, and then settle in my easy chair—wondering what God wants to tell me today. I open my Bible to Psalms 30, pause at verse 5, and nod my head. Yep, tears of frustration had spilled onto my pillow when I couldn’t sleep.
A yawn follows my left-over pity party. Suddenly, a bird zips past the window, and I stand up to get a better look. Aha! A house finch. Getting his breakfast at the bird feeder.
A bright red hood covers his head, and a red vest covers his grey suit. “Oh! There’s Mrs. Finch, completely dressed in grey.” In their raspy voices, they say hello to each other. A smile covers my face at this gift of joy from God.
Every so often, just when we need it the most, a God-blessed moment, one we usually take for granted, bursts into our lives.
When God moments happen to you, take them into your heart, seize the joy, and be glad.
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
What a delightful illustration of assurance of God's every-abiding presence and care!