As the new school began, children of all ages gathered in the church chancel area to receive blessings for their backpacks.
From Walmart brands to Vera Bradley, most were empty and brandished a still-new smell. Some contained crumpled homework pages, candy wrappers, and Cheez-its crumbs left from the previous school year.
Uniting in prayer, our church performed a litany of blessings over the backpacks, the children, their teachers, and their schools. The children’s faces lit up with excitement as they received new pencils, packs of paper, and other school supplies. Their smiles warmed the hearts of the congregation who had generously donated the supplies.
Whether we are students, teachers, or workers in the home or an office, we each carry a metaphorical backpack filled with resources we use every day. These packs have the potential to store both useful and harmful products. If we’re not careful, we may remove a little anger, laziness, or jealousy from our packs when we’re having a bad day or when things aren’t going our way.
As a teacher, I have used my backpack for years to carry papers to grade, textbooks to read, and other resources useful for teaching. I admit I have sometimes stored a little frustration and resentment inside and removed it when I never should have carried it in the first place.
If we take time each morning to pray that our packs are filled with the fruits of the spirit, we can love learning, spread joy in our classrooms, find peace on the playground, show patience and kindness to others, follow the rules, finish our assigned tasks, be gentle with our words and actions, and control our emotions. Our packs can provide sustainable resources for a good day for ourselves and everyone around us.
Ask the Holy Spirit to help you fill your packs, your pockets, and your purses with all the supplies you need for a fruitful day. May your backpacks be blessed.
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Wonderful message.