A Devotion May Be Someone's Only Bible

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Your word I have treasured in my heart, that I may not sin against you.  Psalm 119:11 NASB

Photo courtesy of pixabay.Talk to my grandson for any length of time, and he will tell you about his treasure.

His treasure is a carefully curated collection of stones, fossils, gems, and colorful paper. The objects consume his time as he revisits them daily to admire their beauty and uniqueness. But as much as he loves his finds, Miles loves sharing them with others even more.

On a recent afternoon visit, he presented me with a fossilized gem from his collection and pressed me for details of how I would keep it safe. He wanted to know if I had a treasure box. He tucked the gem into my wallet as I headed home, cautiously optimistic I was up to the task of keeping it safe.

On his next visit to my home, Miles asked to see the gem and my treasure box. We pulled out the black, enamel box that held his gift, and his eyes grew large. We turned the gem over in our hands and noted its characteristics, along with the details of its discovery. What a blessing to have my grandson share his treasure and a bit of himself with me.

God has shared a bit of Himself with us as well. He deposits His Word into our hearts where we can draw from its wisdom, instruction, and encouragement. Not just any words but life-giving words that save, transform, and restore when we allow them to become our foundation, compass, and guide.

Watching Miles immerse himself in his collection prompted me to wonder how God feels about entrusting His Word to my safekeeping. Do I value God’s Word for the treasure it is?  Do I revisit it daily like a child rediscovering the magic of his finds? Have I invited it into every aspect of my life, allowing it to shape and define me? Do I keep it close at hand—ready to share, comfort, and encourage others with?

I caught a glimpse of God in my four-year-old grandson who reminded me that my heart holds the riches of God’s Word. Watching Miles love and safeguard his treasure rekindled the love I have for my gift. Watching him share his treasure encourages me to do the same because treasure is always better when shared.  

What are you doing with God’s treasure?

(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)

(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)

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Jann Mills

Jann Mills is an emerging writer who lives in St. Petersburg, Florida. She enjoys writing devotionals and short stories about experiencing God in everyday life. When she’s not writing, you will find her walking the beach or gardening on her patio. She is the proud grandmother of three awesome grandchildren: Ava, Miles, and Max.