A few days before Christmas, my nephew and his family visited us.
Our family room nativity scene drew his two boys like a magnet. As they picked up each piece, we discussed that character’s role in the Christmas story.
The wise men held particular appeal because of their more elaborate dress and their camels with full packs. I reminded the boys that the Bible mentions three gifts but does not say how many wise men searched for Jesus. We also talked about how the wise men probably found Jesus when he was around two years old and living in a house. To increase their understanding, we role-played the distance the wise men traveled by taking them to the opposite side of the room.
After my nephew and his family left, I went to the bathroom where I display a smaller nativity scene. Much to my surprise and delight, that room’s wise men had been moved far from the manger. I sent a message to the family about my discovery. My nephew’s wife shared the older child’s reply, “I took care of that for you.”
I chose to leave his correction in place that year and have every year since. It reminds me of the reason Jesus came. Jesus saw the sin in our world and took care of that for us. As with the altered nativity scene, we choose whether to accept Jesus’ correction or not.
As you celebrate Christmas this year, will you accept the gift of salvation made possible through Jesus’ birth, sinless life, death, and resurrection? If you have already made that choice, tell others about the gift that awaits them if they seek Him.
(Photo courtesy of pixabay.)
(For more devotions, visit Christian Devotions.)
Beautiful, Diana.